Work with us!

Current Openings for the 2024-2025 School Year:

Our co-op is looking for instructors for our middle and high school classes. We’re looking for more academic and challenging classes, which may or may not include homework. Any subject or skill is open to teach! If you’d like to teach science, math, writing–great! If you’d like to teach survival skills, entrepreneurship, or handicrafts–great! Whatever you’re passionate about is a potential class. You are able to teach one subject to both grade levels adjusting the curriculum to be appropriate for the age group. For example, you could teach writing to middle school and then to high school, teaching a total of 2 blocks. You would be paid for each block taught. If you teach high school, you must have a bachelor’s degree. If you’re interested, please see the role description below.

Middle and High School Instructors

If you’re interested in working with us, and would like more information, fill out the link below and we’ll be in touch!

Apply HERE to work with our Middle and High Schoolers!

Current Openings for Nursery for the 2024-2025 School Year:

Our co-op is looking to hire two individuals to care for our Nursery Class (6 months-3 years old) from 9:30am-Noon on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at Emmaus Church in Northfield. If you’re interested, please see the role description below.

Nursery Worker Role Description

If you’re interested in working with us, and would like more information, fill out the link below and we’ll be in touch!

Apply HERE to work in our Nursery!

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